Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Leaps and Bounds at Look's Gourmet Foods......

Congratulations to Mike Cote and Look's Gourmet Foods and Bar Harbor Foods in Whiting, Maine, on their honor of being among the 5,000 fastest-growing companies in America, according to Inc. Magazine's annual ranking of private companies based on growth.
At CBI we are proud of our track record, bringing successful companies and highly qualified buyers together just as we did for Mike Cote and Look's.
Working with founders and their families we assist business owners in developing an exit strategy to meet their needs in a highly confidential manner.
When you are ready to buy a successful company we may have your solution, or if you are considering the sale of your business we can help you hit the sweet spot, just as we did for the former owner of Look's and many other satisfied clients.
Country Business, Inc. has been New England's only regional business broker since 1976.